Saturday, March 28, 2015


Don't say, 'It's okay, everything will be fine',
'there will be another one who's better than him/her' or
'what's the point to be glum? The life goes on, you'll move on someday'
for those who cry or sad. Maybe it does make all better, yes, all except him/her.
Because it can't make them calmer.
Tell him/her he/she is not alone, 'You're not alone, I'm be with you, you have me' and maybe he/she'll smile.
Also offer to help, 'What can I do?' 'If you want a time to be alone, I'll leave. If you need me, I'll be at....'

That's what I learn from my bestfriend :)

The image is a gift for me by Cocoo-nuts on Deviantart.

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